“We are determined to put everyone back around the table,” says MP MoDem Erwan Balanant

The MoDem deputy from Finistère believes that it “is important to dialogue, to listen and to hear” while the inter-union is invited at the beginning of next week to Matignon by Elisabeth Borne.

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Erwan Balanant, MoDem deputy of Finistère, vice-president of the law commission of the National Assembly, was the guest of franceinfo on March 29, 2023. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“We are determined to put everyone back around the table”, said Wednesday, March 29 on franceinfo Erwan Balanant, MoDem deputy of Finistère, vice-president of the law commission of the National Assembly, about the announced meeting of Elisabeth Borne with the unions. The Prime Minister invites them to Matignon for a meeting early next week. “It is important to dialogue, to listen and to hear.”

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According to the MP, “there may be convergences with the trade unions on working conditions or the sharing of value, for example”. But Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT, wants to talk about the retirement age of 64 years. “Let’s talk about itreplies the deputy. In the text that comes out of the joint joint committee, there is the review clause in 2027. This is a point on which we can negotiate.

Asked about the hearing of Gérald Darmanin by the law commission on the question of maintaining order on Wednesday April 5, he believes “that there is a problem of violence in our country” and “it is normal that we, in the national representation, the law commission do the work of hearing the minister to have a certain number of elements”. He notes that after uneventful protests with law enforcement, “Something happened”. “If today there is violence, it is because there has been a change in attitude”he concludes.

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