“We are dealing with a war between brigands”, says Nathalie Arthaud

“We are dealing with a war between brigands”, said Nathalie Arthaud, candidate Lutte Ouvrière (LO) in the presidential election, this Saturday on franceinfo, concerning the war in Ukraine. If she recognized that “Vladimir Putin has taken the step towards a fratricidal and monstrous war”she felt that he “was not solely responsible”.

“The Western camp, American imperialism, behind NATO, has an overwhelming responsibility”added Nathalie Arthaud. “NATO is not a peace agency”she continued denouncing the fact that she has “advanced his pawns since 1991” and “surrounded by military bases Russia“. The candidate Lutte Ouvrière thus denounced “this crude manipulation” who “is to make believe that the western camp”it’s “the white dove, the representative of rights, of freedom”citing in particular the example of the war in Afghanistan or the situation in Yemen.

In “this rivalry”Nathalie Arthaud “does not fall into one camp or another”. “We did not wait for the war in Ukraine to say that this social order is barbaric”she assured, calling for “sweep outside our door” and to “to rely on the aspiration for peace” and “to silence the guns”.

Asked about the economic sanctions against Russia, the candidate Lutte Ouvrière, also deplored the sanctions “which will be suffered above all by the poorest population of Russia”. “This will hurt millions of women and men who did not ask for anything and it will also have the effect of welding them behind the dictator Putin”, she said. According to her, if “we kill with bombs, we can also kill with misery”.

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