“We are constantly under threat and under pressure when we take our service”, according to Bruno Bartocetti, national delegate secretary of the southern zone SGP Police unit


Video length: 6 min

Police officers injured by bullets: “We are constantly under threat and under pressure when we take our duty”, according to Bruno Bartocetti, national delegate secretary of the southern zone SGP Police unit
Police officers injured by bullets: “We are constantly under threat and under pressure when we take our duty”, according to Bruno Bartocetti, national delegate secretary of the southern zone SGP Police unit

Two police officers were seriously injured on the night of Thursday May 9 to Friday May 10 in a police station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. According to Bruno Bartocetti, delegated national secretary of the southern zone SGP Police unit, the police officers live “permanently under threat”.

Two police officers were shot and injured inside a police station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris on the night of Thursday May 9 to Friday May 10. The vital prognosis of one of the members of the police is still engaged. “We are obviously emotional”confided Bruno Bartocetti, delegated national secretary of the southern zone SGP Police unit, guest of 19/20 info from franceinfo. “We have 12,000 police officers who are injured per year in our profession, where we intervene every ten seconds and we have melee which can result as we saw in this case”he added.

“We are targets”

“We are constantly under threat and under pressure when we take our service today in France, in police stations”, continued Bruno Bartocetti. According to him, this is not an isolated act and it is possible to be attacked right up to the very place where the police begin their duty. “We are targets today, we are exposed”he concluded.

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