Jean-Philippe Tanguy, MP for the Somme and deputy president of the RN group in the National Assembly, was the guest of franceinfo’s 8:30 a.m. news on Friday, July 19, 2024.
Reading time: 16 min

“We are close to a corruption of power“, denounced Jean-Philippe Tanguy, National Rally MP for the Somme, on franceinfo on Friday July 19, the day after the vote for the presidency of the National Assembly. Yaël Braun-Pivet, MP for the presidential camp, was re-elected to the perch thanks to the support of the Republican Right group.
The re-election of Yaël Braun-Pivet
“We find ourselves with a completely truncated legislative election since, it must be remembered, it was the National Rally which obtained the most votes.“, he denounced. “While the French turned out massively for the elections, that is to say the best of democracy, for three weeks we have had the worst of democracy and I regret it, that is to say the dirty tricks, the agreements, the sharing of positions.“, castigated Jean-Philippe Tanguy.
🔴 Re-election of Yaël Braun-Pivet ➡️ “Without the votes of the ministers, Ms. Braun-Pivet would not have been elected. I understand that the left-wing forces are seizing the Constitutional Council,” says Jean-Philippe Tanguy.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) July 19, 2024
For the deputy of the Somme, the game of agreement between the macronie and the right to propel Yaël Braun-Bivet to the presidency of the hemicycle is first and foremost “the fault of the left“. “The beavers drowned in the water of their dam, he said ironically, by dint of electing anyone in the name of anything, we end up with a paralyzed democracy.“. “Macronie, which knows how to maneuver well, particularly with Mr. Wauquiez’s friends, succeeded in getting Mrs. Braun-Pivet elected.“, he noted. For the RN deputy, “Mrs. Braun-Pivet, with Mr. Attal, would have distributed the seats of responsibility to the Republicans” in exchange for their support for the perch.
“People who got 5% in the elections are sharing positions in the corridors.”
Jean-Philippe Tanguyto franceinfo
“Positions must be proportional to elections“, hammered home Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who is claiming for his party the presidency of the finance committee, traditionally held by a member of the opposition.”We’ll see what happens.“, he said, while the group presidents have an appointment in the morning to try to agree on a distribution of the posts of vice-presidents, three quaestors and twelve secretaries to form with the presidency of the hemicycle the bureau of the National Assembly.
The Left’s appeal to the Constitutional Council
Asked about the comments of the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau who said that the New Popular Front was going to “look at all possible remedies“before the Constitutional Council after the election of Yaël Braun-Pivet, the RN deputy of the Somme was in favour of it.”I am not on the Constitutional Council, but I understand that the left-wing forces are seizing the Constitutional Council.“, he stressed. The contested votes of the 17 deputies, still ministers, made the difference.”It is conceivable that during the period of resignation, they could sit, but that they participate in votes which have such an important influence on the functioning of democracy, that raises questions.“, he added.
Find the full interview from “8h30 franceinfo” on Friday July 19, 2024 :