“We are clearly at the start of the eighth wave, but the slope is less steep”, analyzes Professor Frédéric Adnet

According to Frédéric Adnet, medical director of the Samu de Seine-Saint-Denis and head of the emergency department at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, if vaccination remains necessary, this wave is less intense due to “degree of immunity” Population.

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Indicators of the Covid-19 epidemic are on the rise again. According to health authorities, in one week, hospitalizations have increased by 15% and the number of new cases is now climbing to 55,000 per day on average. A trend confirmed on Sunday October 9 on franceinfo Frédéric Adnet, medical director of the Samu de Seine-Saint-Denis and head of the emergency department at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny.

“We are clearly at the start of the 8th wave, but it is different from the previous ones: the slope is less steep”remarks the professional. “The increase in hospitalizations is moderate but it exists, the number of patients in intensive care remains fairly stable and in the emergency room, there is a small increase too”he adds.

According to Professor Adnet, this wave is less intense due to “degree of immunity” Population. “Many have already had Covid and the vaccination coverage is high, there is probably also a rest of barrier gestures in public transport, in places where the density of people is high. specifies the health professional.

At the hospital, too, the doctor notices a change. “We see these patients in respiratory distress much less, these Covid-19 pneumonias. We have more ENT forms: angina, flu syndromes”, notes Professor Adnet who points out that the contaminations are always due to Omicron and its sub-variants. According to the doctor, vaccination is still necessary. “Severe forms still exist and they are characteristic of the patients most at risk: the oldest, those who are immunocompromised, with comorbidities. We really have to target the patients most at risk”he concludes.

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