“We are already in an anomaly of plus 2.7 degrees compared to the average” since the beginning of May, according to a forecaster

“Since the first 15 days of May, we have already been in an anomaly of more than 2.7 degrees compared to the average”, alerted Tuesday, May 17, on franceinfo, Alix Roumagnac, president of Predict Services, the “risks” subsidiary of Météo France, while temperatures close to records for the month of May are expected on Wednesday in the Rhône valley, affected by an episode of exceptional heat with peaks expected in particular in Valence and Montélimar. These high temperatures did not “never been observed at the beginning of May since the existence of temperature readings”underlines the forecaster.

franceinfo: Will this heat surge continue for a long time or can we hope for rain soon?

Alix Roumagnac: This blocked heat dome system will continue all week, if not into the weekend. It is only at the beginning of next week that we will be able to have a rainy period and a little cooling on the whole territory. Until then, there will be a few occasional thunderstorms which can be quite significant due to the heat on the ground. But you will have to be patient.

Should thunderstorms be feared?

Yes. You should be careful. These are mainly risks of runoff, risks of hail. So be careful when driving.

Which regions are the most affected by these high temperatures?

It is an anticyclone that rises from Portugal, Spain and affects a large part of France. It is an exceptional phenomenon both in terms of its precocity, durability and also its extent. The records at more than 30, 31, 32, 33 degrees which can fall on Wednesday will concern the South-West and the Rhône valley. Overall, since the first 15 days of May, we are already in an anomaly of more than 2.7 degrees compared to the average. This has never been observed at the beginning of May since the existence of temperature readings.

Does this mean that we will be entitled to a scorching summer?

It’s not necessarily related to what happens in May. We are in a situation where the air is blocked by the anticyclone over France. With this greenhouse gas content, the heat of the sun is confirmed. And all the studies show it, we are going to have to deal with this type of increasingly frequent event. But that does not necessarily have a signature for the coming summer.

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