“We are all going to play the game, we have no choice”, indicate general practitioners called in for reinforcement

Faced with the crisis experienced by the emergency services of the public hospital, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne took over the proposals born from the flash mission for emergencies. If these mainly concern the hospital, with a revaluation of night work and an increase in the income of guards for doctors, the Prime Minister also wants “mobilize all health professionals”.

>> Hospitals: triage of patients, remuneration of doctors, management of beds… What does the “flash mission” offer to help emergencies get through the summer?

Thus, physiotherapists and pharmacists will be able to renew prescriptions this summer. General practitioners will be able to receive patients who, in normal times, go to the emergency services. For this help in decongesting the hospital, the general practitioners, in addition to the consultation fee, will receive “an increase of 15 euros for consultations by welcoming someone who is not part of their patient base“, for the “encourage people to take unscheduled care“, said Elisabeth Borne during a trip to the Pontoise hospital center on Friday July 1.

A sum that suits Luc Duquesnel, general practitioner in Mayenne: “It’s an incentive. In any case, it’s likely to encourage doctors to respond positively when center 15 calls them. We’re all going to play the game today, we have no choice.”

“The goal of general practitioners is that there is no loss of chance in the management of their health problems this summer.”

Luc Duquesnel, general practitioner

at franceinfo

Despite this displayed goodwill, he does not forget to remember that consultations cannot be done in five minutes: who says new patient says questions about treatments, about the history… The summer is therefore going to be busy, but that does not scare Agnès Gianotti, the president of the MG France doctors’ union. “If the effort is spread over a large number of doctors, it is quite sustainableshe explains, before warning: “Provided that it is regulated, and that everyone does not arrive just anyhow. There, it would no longer be possible if it became consumerism.”

“We calculate that if all the general practitioners got involved, that would make one additional consultation per day.”

Agnès Gianotti, president of the MG France union

at franceinfo

Finally, last measure: retired doctors will also be solicited. The procedures will be simplified so that they can return to service if they wish.

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