“There are a lot of environmental setbacks in today’s announcements which do not satisfy us”, deplores Véronique Marchesseau, the general secretary of the agricultural union, Thursday on franceinfo.
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“We are a little disappointed by the content of the announcements which are not structural. There are announcements which respond to the emergency, but there is a lack of structural announcements to change agriculture and really give us a direction”reacted Thursday 1er February on franceinfo Véronique Marchesseau, general secretary of the Confédération paysanne.
After the new measures announced by the government to calm the anger of farmers, Véronique Marchesseau admits a desire to finally “enforce the Egalim law” to protect producers’ income. But “It still remains insufficient since we were expecting real measures to ban the sale of our agricultural products below our cost price”, she explained. “It’s not yet ambitious”she added.
“We will remain mobilized”
The government also announced a pause in the Ecophyto plan which aims to reduce the use of pesticides “There are a lot of environmental setbacks in today’s announcements which do not satisfy us, particularly the Confédération paysanne. On GMOs, on the acceleration of procedures for above-ground breeding or for the storage of water. But we are even more disappointed by the fact that there are no measures on prices.”she says.
“We will remain mobilized as long as we do not have strong announcements on the guarantee that our work will really be recognized through the awards“, she said.