“We apply the rules”, defends Sébastien Chenu (RN)



France 2

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Sébastien Chenu, deputy and spokesperson of the RN, is the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Friday December 31st.

In the next three weeks, political meetings, which are not subject to the gauges, will be able to be held. Unlike other parties, the RN refuses to apply gauges, why? “We are going to make a decision, we have a meeting on Monday January 3 on this subject. The Constitution guarantees that we can hold political meetings in the country. We apply the rules.”, indicates Sébastien Chenu, deputy and spokesperson of the RN, guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Friday December 31st.

The vaccination pass vote is due to take place next week in the National Assembly. The RN points the finger at a policy of inefficiency, for what reasons? “The vaccine prevents serious cases. We should not be counted on to demand that we further reduce the freedoms of the French from the moment the vaccine is the response to individual cases and not a collective response. We must target them. people who have comorbidities, who are in danger “, considers the deputy RN.

Some elected members of the presidential majority saw their house attacked, their car burnt. Have we passed a course in violence? “I condemn all forms of violence”, concludes Sébastien Chenu.

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