waves of pumice stones break on the coasts of Okinawa




Article written by

S. Lesquene, L. Mas, F. Cardoen – France 2

France Televisions

The coasts of Okinawa (Japan) are invaded by thousands of pumice stones. A puzzling phenomenon, but which has the consequence of paralyzing boats and killing many fish.

It is a surprising sight on the beaches of Okinawa (Japan). Waves of stones pumice which have replaced the sea, in such a way that it is impossible to move in the water, whether for humans or for machines. This impressive phenomenon is due to an underwater volcanic eruption in August, which caused pumice stones to rise to the surface. A videographer tried to venture into this sea of ​​stones, without success. All the boats are stationary: “when I start the engine, the stones are dragged inside”, explains a fisherman.

These stones pumice, which come to the surface after several months, have an impact on local agriculture. On breeding farms on the Okinawa coast, hundreds of fish have died after ingesting pieces of these stones. “It is that pumice stone, fish believe in food”, testify a man, after having cut a fish in half. This phenomenon is not unique, having already occurred off the coast of Fiji in 2019. It took several months before the stones pumice crumble into dust and the water reclaims its territory.

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