Video length: 2 min
Health: water bottles contaminated with nanoplastics
Health: water bottles contaminated with nanoplastics – (France info)
Mineral water bottles contain hundreds of thousands of plastic particles, a hundred times more than currently thought. This is what American researchers have just revealed.
It’s an invisible but massive presence: 240,000 tiny plastic particles on average per liter of bottled water. This is what an American study reveals for the first time, but it is not enough to worry consumers. “We would have to see with the experiments if it really can seriously affect health”, testified a passerby. It is thanks to innovative laser-based technology that American scientists were able to count these plastic nanoparticles, a million times smaller than a millimeter.
A study of three popular brands
Their observation: there are a hundred times more numerous than previously estimated. They could come from the filters used during bottling or from the bottles themselves. The study concerns three brands widely consumed in the United States, but all bottled waters would be affected. Research into the impact this would have on health is still limited. In France, the mineral water professional union points out that plastic nanoparticles are omnipresent in the environment and that the products comply with regulations.