wastewater reused in Spain



France 2

Article written by

M. Justet, E. Gazengel, N. Salem, J. Montupet, M. Le Rue, Drone images: Drone planet – France 2

France Televisions

For twenty years, the region of Murcia, in Spain, has been treating and then reusing wastewater. In the country, 14% are thus recycled, compared to 1% in France. Food for thought as Europe faces its worst drought in 500 years.

In the south of Spain, in the region of Murcia, the arid lands offer themselves as far as the eye can see, but in the middle, you can see hectares of green fields. Here, watering is regular. Fernando Costa irrigates his pepper field as everywhere in the area: with a drip system. To irrigate them, it does not draw from groundwater, but from treated wastewater. They are vital for the profitability of its operation.

Without this wastewater, 15% of this area would not be cultivated, or even more, because every day we need water and that of the river is decreasing more and more.“, believes Fernando Costa, farmer. Waste water is treated next door, in the town’s wastewater treatment plant. Twenty years ago, the region launched a major plan against drought. A hundred wastewater treatment plants are adapting to supply farmers. In Spain, 14% of water is reused, compared to 1% in France.

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