Waste in Occitan

Disètz los discaisses (un descais al singular e los descaisses al plural). Descais is a word attested in several Occitan dictionaries. You find it in particular in Le Trésor du Félibrige by Frédéric Mistral (un diccionari de referéncia per tota la lenga nòstra). But Occitan is a very rich language. Thus in Toulouse Gascony, in the Gers and in Comminges, there is another word to talk about waste with las deishas, ​​eras deishas.

Sometimes you go to the descaissariá: qu’es aquò?

Responsa: the disbursementit’s the dumpster. Dins la ciutat mondina / in Toulouse, there is a service offered by the Town Hall and which offers to pick up your bulky items: this service is called Allo Toulouse. Cal say that cada annada, se’n veson als servicis municipals / every year, the municipal services recover more than 10 tons of wild piles in the street. Regarding the collection of household waste, a question for you who are listening to us:

How do you say a trash can in Occitan?

You could say the bedoceta. If the word trash owes its name to the prefect of the Seine, Eugène Poubelle (it was he who imposed the use of this building garbage container at the end of the 19th century), Well in Tolosa, I had a political soul that Albèrt Bedoça said to himself. Albert Bedouce, who during his term as mayor of Toulouse, created in 1906 the bedoceta. the bedoceta, it is therefore the first trash can in Toulouse. In Occitan, we also speak of bordilhièr o de caishas de las lordèras to say trash.

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