Washington unites its allies to further arm the country, Moscow warns of a third world war

What there is to know

The United States brings together, Tuesday, April 26 in Germany, forty allied countries to further arm Ukraine against the Russian invader, who has warned of a risk of World War III. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin wants “to generate additional capabilities for the Ukrainian forces”. “They can win if they have the right equipment, the right support,” he asserted. Washington announced Monday a new military aid for Ukraine of 700 million dollars, which brings their assistance to 3.4 billion. Follow our live.

Russia to continue peace talks with Ukraine. Moscow will continue peace talks with kyiv, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday, while accusing Ukraine of “to pretend” to discuss and warning of the danger “real” of a third world war.

Moscow accuses Ukraine of preventing civilians from leaving Azovstal. Russia on Monday night accused Ukrainian authorities of preventing civilians holed up with Ukrainian fighters at the beleaguered Azovstal metallurgical complex in Mariupol, southeastern Ukraine, from leaving, despite the announcement of a ceasefire by the Russian army.

Railway installations targeted by Russian strikes. At least five people were killed and 18 others injured in Russian strikes on railway installations in the Vinnytsia region (center-west), the local prosecutor’s office announced on Monday. The explosion of a missile also sparked a fire on Monday morning in Krasne station, near Lviv, in western Ukraine, according to the regional governor.

Moscow expels 40 German diplomats. Russia announced the expulsion of 40 German diplomats, in retaliation for a similar measure taken recently by Germany in the face of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. This decision is not “in no way justified”reacted the head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock.

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