Washington denounces lawsuits against “peaceful” demonstrators

(Washington) The United States on Thursday denounced the “political” trials in Cuba, in which severe sentences would have been required, against “more than 90” demonstrators who took part in July in the largest protest movement since the revolution from 1959.

“Since December 13, the Cuban regime has tried more than 90 # 11J protesters across Cuba,” tweeted Assistant US Secretary of State for the Americas Brian Nichols, sharing a hashtag in reference to the date of an demonstrations on July 11.

“The world is seeing the extent of these injustices,” he added, referring to the required sentences “of up to 25 years”, “false accusations to muzzle, and atrocious prison conditions for peaceful protesters.” “.

According to a spokesperson for American diplomacy, Brian Nichols intends “to underline the continued detention of hundreds of peaceful demonstrators”, as well as “the political trials organized by the Cuban regime”.

“These simultaneous trials across the island are an affront to the human rights of Cubans and their demands for more freedom,” he added.

“Cuban prosecutors have created from all parts false or unjust accusations” to “muzzle dissidents, nip future demonstrations in the bud and intimidate critical voices,” insisted this spokesperson.

According to him, the Cuban government seems to want to take advantage of the end-of-year celebrations to “attract less attention” because verdicts could be pronounced “between today and New Year’s Day”.

The island ruled by a communist power was shaken in July, and in particular on the 11 of this month, by vast spontaneous demonstrations, unprecedented since the revolution of 1959.

According to the NGO Cubalex, 1,270 people were initially arrested during these historic gatherings which left one dead and dozens injured.

On November 16, the opposition platform Cuba Decide denounced the arrest of more than 100 people and the house arrest of a hundred activists to prevent them, according to them, from participating in new demonstrations.

Havana accused Washington of orchestrating these protests.

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