Washington calls on Pyongyang to ‘stop’ its ‘illegal’ missile fire

The United States on Monday called on North Korea to “cease its illegal and destabilizing activities” after Pyongyang fired two new “ballistic missiles”.

• Read also: North Korea launches two new missiles

• Read also: Biden and nuclear pacifism

In a call with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts, the American envoy for the North Korean file Sung Kim also asked the reclusive country to respond favorably to the offer of “dialogue”, “without preconditions”, formulated by Washington, and reiterated the “unwavering commitment” of the United States “to the defense of our allies”, according to a press release from the State Department.

North Korea on Monday launched two new projectiles, probably ballistic missiles according to Seoul, its fourth weapons test since the beginning of the year.

Pyongyang has accelerated its weapons tests in recent weeks, as Kim Jong Un’s regime seeks to strengthen the military capabilities of the country under heavy international sanctions, while refusing offers of dialogue from the United States.

The American envoy noted that these North Korean tests, “in violation of numerous UN Security Council resolutions”, were “the latest in a series of ballistic missile launches” this month. He reaffirmed in Seoul and Tokyo that the United States wanted to work “for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” according to the statement.

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