Washington assures that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be stillborn if Moscow invades its neighbor

Berlin also claimed that the future of the controversial, now completed gas pipeline would be on the table in the event of a Russian attack in Ukraine.

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The United States said on Thursday January 27 that it was convinced that the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany would not be activated if Moscow invaded Ukraine. “We continue our very strong and clear conversations with our German allies and I want to be clear with you today: if Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not go the front”, declared the number 3 of the American diplomacy, Victoria Nuland, in front of the press.

On the basis of a compromise reached last summer with Washington on this gas pipeline which the Americans did not want, but which is now complete, Berlin has affirmed that its future would be well on the table in the event of a Russian attack in Ukraine. But the German government has stopped short of clearly confirming that he will not take office. “We are working on a package of strong sanctions” with the Western allies in the event of a Russian invasion, which covers several aspects “including Nord Stream 2”German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told the Chamber of Deputies on Thursday.

“I think the statements made in Berlin, including today, are very, very strong”, reacted Victoria Nuland. She also noted that the gas pipeline did not yet have the necessary certifications to become operational.

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