Washington again claims that “Russia is heading for an imminent invasion”, Moscow denies

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11:16 p.m. : Russia has “forced out” the number two of the United States Embassy in Moscow, Bart Gorman, announced the US State Department. “We call on Russia to end its baseless expulsions of American diplomats.” and “we are studying our response”, a State Department spokesman told AFP. This measure is a retaliatory action after the recent expulsion “unjustified” of a Russian diplomat stationed in Washington, assured the spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10:54 p.m. : “If I were President of the Republic and President of the European Union, the first step vis-à-vis Russia would have been to convene a summit andin Kyiv, to show our solidarity and our collective unity vis-à-vis democracy in Ukraine, and vis-à-vis the integrity of its territory.”

8:25 p.m. : “I am here today not to start a war, but to prevent one.”

The head of the American diplomacy Antony Blinken urged, at the UN, Russia to “leaving the path of war”. “The Russian government can announce today” than “Russia is not going to invade Ukraine, say it clearly, tell it fully to the whole world, and then demonstrate it by sending its soldiers, its tanks, its planes, back to their barracks and hangars, and sending its diplomats to the negotiating table”, he hammered. “In the days that follow, the world will remember that commitment, or the refusal to do so.”

5:56 p.m. : After several weeks of crisis, the Kremlin announced yesterday the withdrawal of part of its troops massed on the border with Ukraine. But the European Union, which mediates between Moscow and Kiev, remains wary and expects “acts” in the field. Our journalist Marie-Violette Bernard explains how Europeans are working in unison to try to defuse tensions.


4:17 p.m. : “In the absence of a willingness on the American side to agree on firm legal guarantees for our security, (…) Russia will be forced to react, in particular by implementing measures of a military and technical nature. “

In its response to the American proposals, Russia threatened to react if the United States rejected its main security demands, repeating that it wanted American forces to withdraw from Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.

3:52 p.m. : Russia has “forced out” the number two of the United States Embassy in Moscow, Bart Gorman, announced the US State Department, which denounced a “escalation”. “We call on Russia to end its baseless expulsions of American diplomats” and “we are studying our response”a State Department spokesman told AFP.

3:31 p.m. : The United States has announced that it has received Russia’s written response to its negotiation proposals. The response was given to US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan, a senior US official said. Washington had transmitted its own proposals on January 26, but they rejected the main Russian demands, including the formal guarantee that Ukraine will never join NATO.

3:16 p.m. : The American ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, has claimed that “Russia was heading for an imminent invasion” of Ukraine, despite its announcements of military withdrawal. “Our goal is to convey the seriousness of the situation” because “this is a crucial moment”she pointed out.

2:43 p.m. : 2 p.m., here is the usual point on the news:

• France and its Western partners have formalized their military withdrawal from Mali, after nine years of anti-jihadist struggle. Military forces, including nearly 3,000 French, will however remain committed to the Sahelian countries and the Gulf of Guinea. Here is the replay of Emmanuel Macron’s speech.

• This is the maximum penalty incurred. Advocate General Jacques Dallest requested this morning life imprisonment, with a security period of 22 years, against Nordahl Lelandais. Defense arguments take place this afternoon.

• In Brazil, at least 104 people died in floods and landslides in Petropolis, near Rio de Janeiro, Civil Defense announced, two days after these torrential rains.

• The Kremlin announced that the return to their barracks of troops engaged in maneuvers on the outskirts of Ukraine would take time. In the meantime, the West accuses Moscow of maintaining or even strengthening its military presence there.

12:23 p.m. : “The Minister of Defense has indeed indicated that certain phases of the exercises are coming to an end, and that as the soldiers will return to their home bases”spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, told the press this morning, stressing that “it is a process that is extended over time”.

12:20 p.m. : The Kremlin has announced that the return to their barracks of troops engaged in maneuvers on the outskirts of Ukraine will take time. In the meantime, the West accuses Moscow of maintaining or even strengthening its military presence there.

12:27 : A glance at the clock, it’s already noon. Here is the essential of the news in four points:

• France and its Western partners have formalized their military withdrawal from Mali, after nine years of anti-jihadist struggle led by Paris. Military forces, including nearly 3,000 French, will however remain committed to the Sahelian countries and the Gulf of Guinea.

• On the eve of the verdict, life imprisonment with a safety period of 22 years was requested against Nordahl Lelandais, accused in particular of the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys de Araujo in 2017. The defense pleadings will have place this afternoon.

• Has Russia withdrawn troops to the border? “We now know that this is false”said a senior White House official, accusing Moscow of having increased his presence military “the last days”including yesterday.

• The Bolloré group celebrates its 200th anniversary. Before retiring, its CEO, Vincent Bolloré, is considering one last big move: the acquisition of the Hachette Livre group. Our journalist Laurence Houot tells you why this project is causing panic in the publishing world.

09:10 : Time for a new point on the news:

• France and its Western partners have announced a “coordinated withdrawal from Malian territory” Barkhane and Takuba forces. Emmanuel Macron must comment on this departure in the coming minutes, in a press conference to follow in our live.

• Has Russia withdrawn troops to the border? “We now know that this is false”said a senior White House official, accusing Moscow of having increased his presence military “the last days”including yesterday.

• He ended up taking the plunge. MEP Nicolas Bay, freshly suspended by the National Rally, announced his support for Eric Zemmour. He accuses Marine Le Pen of “multiple reversals and retreats” and his “refusal of any form of internal debate”.

• On the eve of the verdict in the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, place today for the indictment and the defense pleadings. The 38-year-old former dog handler faces life imprisonment, in particular for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys De Araujo in 2017.

06:21 : EU Heads of State and Government are due to discuss evolving tensions around Ukraine today ahead of the start of a summit between the EU and the African Union in Brussels. On Saturday, the American vice-president, Kamala Harris, will exchange with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and many European leadersin Germany.

06:19 : These statements from the side of the White House, this night, come after the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, reported, at the end of an interview with Joe Biden, “that no significant withdrawal of Russian troops has been observed so far”.

06:13 : The pressure does not fall in the Ukrainian file. On condition of anonymity, a senior American official reported the recent arrival of “up to 7,000 soldiers” additional Russians along the border. “Russia says it wants to find a diplomatic solution but its actions indicate otherwise”he laments.

06:09 : Under your acclamations, here are the first titles of this Thursday, February 17:

• Will France and its European partners withdraw their troops from Mali? Emmanuel Macron must announce, at 9 a.m., at a press conference, decisions on the future of the Barkhane mission, recorded last night at a summit of European and African leaders.

• Has Russia withdrawn troops to the border? “We now know that this is false”said a senior White House official, accusing Moscow of having, on the contrary, increased his presence military “the last days”including yesterday.

• He ended up taking the plunge. MEP Nicolas Bay, freshly suspended by the National Rally, announced his support for Eric Zemmour. He accuses Marine Le Pen of “multiple reversals and retreats” and his “refusal of any form of internal debate”.

• On the eve of the verdict in the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, place today for the indictment and the defense pleadings. The 38-year-old former dog handler faces life imprisonment, in particular for the kidnapping and murder of Maëlys De Araujo in 2017.

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