Washington “actively” prepares “alternatives” in case of failure of nuclear negotiations

“It will soon be too late, Iran is still not engaged in real negotiations,” lamented the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken on Tuesday, while Iranian nuclear negotiators resumed their discussions on November 29.

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The United States is preparing “actively” from “alternatives” to the Iranian nuclear deal with their allies in the event of failure of negotiations to save it, declared Tuesday (December 14) the head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken.

“It will soon be too late, Iran is still not engaged in real negotiations”, he said during a press conference in Jakarta, echoing the observation made the day before by the Europeans involved in the Vienna negotiations with Tehran.

“Without rapid progress”, “Iran nuclear deal will become an empty shell”, he added, citing again the words of the German, British and French negotiators.

“What we are seeing so far is that Iran is wasting precious time defending positions that are incompatible with a return.” to the 2015 agreement, insisted the Secretary of State.

Indirect negotiations between Iran and the United States, notably through the Europeans, resumed at the end of November in Vienna in an attempt to revive the 2015 agreement supposed to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring the atomic bomb, which has become dying following the unilateral withdrawal of the United States three years later under the presidency of Donald Trump.

source site-24