Washington accuses Moscow of wanting to “annex” two pro-Russian territories by organizing referendums

The United States reported on Monday “very credible” information.

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After Crimea in 2014, does Russia intend to reproduce the same process for two pro-Russian Ukrainian territories? This is what the United States is saying on Monday, May 2. Washington reported information “very believable” according to which Moscow intends to organize “mid-may” referendums for “attempt to annex” the “republics” separatists from Donetsk and Lugansk, which are in eastern Ukraine.

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“According to the latest information, we believe that Russia will try to annex the ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’ and the ‘Lugansk People’s Republic’US Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Michael Carpenter, told reporters in Washington. “This information shows that Russia intends to fabricate referendums from scratch” in this sense “around mid-May”he continued.

Two days before the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, therussian President Vladimir Putin has recognized the independence of the self-proclaimed republics of Lugansk and Donetsk. The deputies had immediately approved unanimously “agreements of friendship, cooperation and mutual aid”paving the way for a Russian military presence on Ukrainian territory.

In March 2014, the inhabitants of Crimea had voted largely for an attachment to Russia. Washington had declared “to reject” the referendum, considering this process illegal. Same story for France, considering that this referendum was “illegal and contrary to the Ukrainian Constitution”.

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