“Was there not an instrumentalization by hiding these facts?” Asks Marine Le Pen

The candidate of the National Rally in the presidential election asks the question of a “parliamentary inquiry” to find out if there was a desire to elude the drama during the electoral campaign.

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Marine Le Pen returns Tuesday April 5, 2022 on France Inter on the death of a young man, Jérémy Cohen, knocked down by a tram on February 17 in Bobigny. This drama sparked reactions on Monday from several presidential candidates who are worried that there is an anti-Semitic character and are demanding full light on its circumstances. Asked whether this should be seen as an attempt at instrumentalization on the part of the candidates who spoke on the subject five days before the first round, Marine Le Pen, RN candidate, answers by asking another question. “Was there not an instrumentalization in hiding these facts? That’s the real question”.

Just before being hit by the tram, the young man had suffered violence. The Bobigny prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for “involuntary homicide”. “Obviously it upsets”launches the far-right candidate. “Did we not disguise this dreadful act which consisted in hitting (…) a young handicapped Jew” who ran away and “Who died from this desperate flight?”she continues. “Because we didn’t want to talk about that during the presidential campaign”denounces Marine Le Pen.

“It’s not an accident, you just have to see the video to realize that all this is not accidental, it’s obviously a criminal act”, she says. Thus the far-right candidate “raises the question of a parliamentary inquiry, because the subject upsets everyone”she explains. “The light must be shed”. For Marine Le Pen, it’s about knowing “if this concealment was voluntary” from the government a few weeks before the presidential election. She concludes by emphasizing “the will of the parents” who is “admirable”.

In the morning, franceinfo learned that thehe services of the Élysée had called, at the request of Emmanuel Macron, the parents of Jérémy Cohen to “send them a message of compassion and let them know that in respect of the independence of justice, all means of investigation will be implemented to identify the perpetrators of this aggression”.

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