Was Jessica Thivenin forced by her husband to give injections? Revelations about his physical change

It was in 2014 that Jessica Thivenin was revealed to the general public, in Marseilles in Rio, on W9. At the time, she was in a relationship with Julien Tanti. And his physique was not the same! She has indeed changed a lot thanks to cosmetic surgery. And according to some, it is because of her husband Thibault Garcia that the young woman of 32 years has changed in the last five years. Charges to which she responded on Snapchat, this Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

Thibault Garcia is definitely at the heart of many charges at the moment. But he can count on Jessica Thivenin to come to his rescue. After responding to rumors of infidelity, the mother of Maylone (2 years old) and Leewane (10 months) wished to address a few words to the people convinced that she was encouraged to play pool by her husband. “I don’t understand why people say that. At first it made us laugh. We thought you were saying that for fun. But I see that there are some who are very serious and who really think that it is my husband who pushes me to have injections, surgery, all that. So not at all!“, she first launched.

Jessica Thivenin then recalled that she had started with a breast augmentation in 2014. Two years later, she made her first injections. And, thanks to her increased income, she was able to continue to transform. “It is true that I didn’t have one on my chin, so it always bothered me. And the injections, I don’t know if you see my mouth when I started in The Marseillais in Rio. She was quite fine. It’s just that it was expensive and I couldn’t afford to do it before. But my husband does not push me at all. What I want to do, I do. It’s me who likes it, it’s me who’s happy“, she continued.

No more plastic surgery for Jessica Thivenin

Today, the beautiful blonde assures her, she is “happy with the result” and therefore does not intend to touch anything more. “It’s true that in Les Apprentis aventuriers I had just had my injections so my head was a bit disproportionate, a bit swollen and a huge mouth. But this is the result that I like“, she concluded.

Remember that in addition to her breast augmentation and injections, Jessica Thivenin underwent rhinoplasty at the same time as Thibault Garcia. She then had a chin implant in 2018, a difficult procedure to live with. “It was fits of crying, I didn’t want anyone to look at me anymore. I told myself that I had massacred myself“, she explained on June 1, 2020. Then she had buttock surgery in September 2020.

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