Was Eric Zemmour really able to bring 100,000 people to the Trocadéro?

How many people really attended Eric Zemmour’s meeting on Sunday March 27 on the Place du Trocadéro in Paris? “100,000“, proclaims the far-right candidate from the podium in front of the crowd.

But it is probably much less. And it’s also a feeling of deja vu: like in 2017 when Bruno Retailleau launched “You are more than 200,000!” at François Fillon’s meeting on this same square, in the open air, facing the Eiffel Tower.

Already at the time, the media, including franceinfo, explained that the Trocadéro’s reception capacity was much lower. We can estimate by rounding up that the area of ​​the Place du Trocadéro is 20 000 m². In 20 000 m², event organizers usually welcome 45 000 people, or just over two people per square meter.

To reach 100 000 participants, this density would have to reach five people per square meter and these people would no longer be able to circulate, whether they were shoulder to shoulder, as in the last few meters in front of the stage of a crowded concert, or as in a subway train at rush hour.

Another key element: to reach 100,000, the gathering must overflow into all the streets adjacent to the Place du Trocadéro. And the density per square meter must be the same over the entire surface. According to the various images, whether aerial or tighter, there was not such a compact crowd on Sunday in front of Eric Zemmour.

Presidential 2022: Eric Zemmour's meeting marked by controversial remarks by activists towards Emmanuel Macron (France 2)

Waving flags in the front rows, the participants in Eric Zemmour's meeting were gathered on Sunday March 27 at Place du Trocadéro, in Paris.  (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

His party, Reconquest!, had also communicated on 50,000 registered for this meeting: registration was compulsory to access it.

Beyond the figures, a controversy marked this Sunday meeting: the slogan “Macron assassin” was heard during the rally of the far-right candidate. Eric Zemmour is accused by his opponents of having let the crowd chant these words for several seconds, without intervening. For his part, Eric Zemmour “condemn what the crowd said at that time“and that he”didn’t hear“, reacted his entourage, questioned by journalists.

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