was a French antivax guest on Russian television?



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During a demonstration, an antivax claimed to have been invited to Russian television. Did he tell the truth? We answer you.

“Yes, I did the biggest Russian show where I pissed Macron off”, explained a man to a journalist from France Télévisions during an anti-vaccine demonstration against the coronavirus. After checking, this man is telling the truth. It was in May 2022. For ten minutes, he will abound in the direction of Russian propaganda. He also asked for a few minutes of silence in “memory of the Russian soldiers who died for the liberation of Europe against fascism and Nazism”.

This man’s name is Leo Nicolian. He was a journalist during the 90s, early 20000, notably for France Télévisions. He hasn’t worked for any media for a long time. He films himself on Youtube in demonstrations of yellow vests. He is now opposed to vaccination against Covid. Leo Nicolian films himself with figures like Jean-Marie Bigard or Francis Lalanne. However, the man was not only invited to Russian television, he was also invited to participate in a conference on “Russia and the African awakening”, although he has no legitimacy on the subject. .

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