Warsaw offers a bounty to find the author

Polish police on Saturday offered a reward of 210,000 euros to find the author of serious pollution of the Oder river which flows at the Polish-German border on Saturday August 13. Tons of dead fish have been fished out of the stream for several days. “The Commander-in-Chief of the Police today set a reward of one million zlotys to help uncover the perpetrators of this environmental disaster”Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Wasik told reporters.

The Polish nationalist-populist government has come under fire in recent days, both in Poland and in Germany, for not having reacted sooner to this disaster described Friday as “ecological disaster” by German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki admitted on Saturday that he had been informed of the situation “August 9 or 10”while the first pollution signals were recorded at the end of July. “It is obvious that I learned of this too late. The services concerned should have informed me earlier”he told the press during a press briefing in Gorzow Wielkopolski (west), capital of the region through which the Oder flows.

The head of government dismissed Przemyslaw Daca, head of “Polish Waters” – the state body responsible for water management – on Friday, as well as Michal Mistrzak, Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection, to whom he reproached “too slow action”. Mateusz Morawiecki then also recognized that the scale of pollution was “very large, large enough to say that the Oder will need whole years to return to its natural state”.

This river, which first flows through Poland and then forms a natural border with Germany, has been considered relatively clean for many years, home to around 40 species of fish. The Prime Minister has not ruled out further resignations, while the opposition, local authorities and environmental organizations are calling for the resignation of politicians, including a deputy minister who was still encouraging people to go swimming in the water on Thursday. ‘oder.

On Saturday, Polish Climate Minister Anna Moskwa said the water tests, both Polish and German, were identical. “No mercury was found. Analyzes carried out on both sides of the border show high salinity”, she told the press, indicating that other analyzes were in progress. The prosecution has already been seized of the case.

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