warnings after one hour of use are “a first step forward”, reacts the Secretary of State for Children


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For Charlotte Caubel, this will allow children “to become well aware of the screen time they spend on TikTok”. But “two other problems” remain, according to her: “The content, and of course, the data that is kept.”

Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of Children, greeted this Thursday on franceinfo “a first step”, while the social network TikTok plans to issue a warning for those under 18 who spend more than an hour on the application. The user will receive a message and must enter a password if they want to continue using TikTok.

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The Chinese social network is widely criticized for its addictive aspect on young people. According to a recent global study, minors spend an average of 1h47 per day on TikTok. The warning after one hour of use “will allow children themselves to be well aware of the screen time they spend on TikTok. So this is a first step forward, but it does not solve two other problems: the content, and of course, the data which are kept“, she estimated.

Create a dialogue on the subject in the family circle

“Screen Time Awareness” intended to “to encourage dialogue with parents”. “Many parents have no idea, on the one hand, that children have TikTok, on the other hand, what they see on TikTok”, explained the Secretary of State. She wants these little alerts to promote “discussions around the evening table” between children and parents.

The secretary wishes to alert “parents of the dangers of TikTok on the health of children, but also of the dangers on the data and on the images”.

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