WARNING! My photo could offend your sensitivity!

I was alive, I died, I rose again. It’s Easter to Christmas.

I tell you.

I am a graduate of Cégep Garneau.

My photo appears there on a wall which underlines the trajectories of certain former students.

Rest assured, my head keeps its normal size and easily crosses a door.

  • The real drama doesn’t touch my little self. The real tragedy is that the education of our children is entrusted to teachers, some of whom think like this sad sire, and to administrators whose spine we see.

Think ?

Because of the opinions I express in this journal, a complaint was lodged. My photo would disturb.

The human resources department hastened to withdraw it.

People then note my disappearance.

We question the administration. She does not answer.

A journalist gets on the case. She questions the CEGEP. We keep her waiting.

Guess what ? Just before we answer him, my photo finds its place. Couso…

The director of communications at the Cégep explains: “members of the community” said they were “shocked”, the administrative staff was sensitive “to the discomfort”, and the photo was removed “temporarily, the time to reflect on the situation” .

She agrees that it was a “hasty” decision, but without bad faith, because you see, freedom of expression is important.

Let’s admire together this little gem of wooden language, sewn with white thread.

Removed “temporarily”? To think about what? And we remove BEFORE thinking??

You can be sure that if people hadn’t challenged management, if the journalist hadn’t asked questions, management wouldn’t have backtracked.

Obviously, on the Cégep’s website, under the tab dedicated to this “Wall of Great Graduates”, there is much praise for freedom of expression and the diversity of opinions.

I have colleagues who have done their little investigation.

College students read little or no newspapers and don’t know who I am.

It was a teacher who complained. He bragged about his accomplishment, and that’s where he betrayed himself.

So I know who it is. I do not know him.

Imagine the mentality of someone who wants a photo to disappear because they don’t share the person’s ideas.

Imagine if this person had real power beyond the walls of their institution.

Then imagine the cowardice, the spinelessness of the administrators who bend immediately.

The olibrius responsible for my disappearance gave me epithets that you can guess.

A respected lawyer believes that there would be grounds for a lawsuit for defamation, since the remarks were followed by a concrete action against me.

But if we demanded compensation from all the morons, we would only do that in our days.

Our children

I could also lay out the names of all the administrators who either made the decision or let it pass.

But why take revenge?

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