Warm up in Occitan

Say lo calfatge, lo calfatge, also pronounced lo caufatge and even lo cauhatge especially for you who are in Comminges, in the Gers and in Toulouse Gascony. Alavetz, tanplan benlèu that uses a radiator for your calfar. Lo radiator, this is the radiator. Or maybe you have a fireplace? The fireplace that you say in Occitan la chiminèia o un fornet. A fornet, it is word for word a small oven. And so you can translate lo fornet by the stove.

Question: how do you say firewood?

Vos cal say the lenha, the lenha. Avètz tanben lo lenhàs, lo lenhàs which corresponds to a large log. Avet the busca which is a log. Pr’aquò / However, demest your other than our escotatz / among you, chat lo gas per vos calfar. Lo gas, it is gas and even with us the “gas” since in Francitan (in French from here), you sometimes hear people who pronounce “gas” instead of gas.

What verb do you use to say to light, like to turn on the heating?

Alucar, aquò’s lo vèrb alucar. Ten per example, if you mean ” I turn on the heating ”, say: aluqui lo calfatge. Aluqui lo calfatge. On the contrary, if you want to turn off the heating, you can use the verb atudar. Atudi will caudiate it. Atudi the caudièra, in French ” I turn off the boiler ”. Another verb possible with escantir o tanben estupar. Escantir o estupar, it is extinguishing but rather it is extinguishing the fire, extinguishing a candle. Finally this morning, I do not especially want to add fuel to the fire, in short vòli pas atudar lo fòc amb d’estopas. Les Mots d’Oc is also on France Bleu point fr. Bona jornada a totes and be proud!

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