War in Ukraine | Zelensky will attend a meeting of G7 leaders on Wednesday

(Tokyo) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to take part in the start of a teleconference between the leaders of the G7 countries later on Wednesday, Japanese government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno said.

Mr. Zelensky unexpectedly canceled on Tuesday a planned intervention before the American Congress, where negotiations are tense over new American funds to help Ukraine at war against Russia.

This teleconference will be held under the aegis of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, explained Mr. Matsuno, as Japan holds the rotating presidency of the G7 this year. “Mr Zelensky will participate at the start” of this online summit, he said.

On this occasion, the G7 leaders will “discuss important topics for the international community such as the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East” and also discuss artificial intelligence (AI), added Mr. Matsuno.

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