War in Ukraine | Zelensky vows to “ravage” Russian forces in New Year’s message

(Kyiv) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky promised Sunday, in his New Year greetings, to “ravage” the Russian forces who invaded his country almost two years ago.

“Next year, the enemy will suffer the ravages of our domestic production,” said Mr. Zelensky, assuring that Ukraine would have one million drones in its arsenal by 2024.

His televised speech was illustrated by images of Ukrainian artillery and fighter planes.

Ukraine will have at least “a million” additional drones in its arsenal next year, Mr. Zelensky added, as well as F-16 fighter jets supplied by its Western partners.

The New Year’s message comes less than 72 hours after Moscow launched numerous missiles and drones on Ukrainian cities, killing 39 people in one of the largest air attacks since the start of the war.

“Our pilots have already mastered the F-16s, and it is certain that we will soon see them in our skies,” he said. “So our enemies will see what our anger looks like.”

Mr. Zelensky also urged his Western allies to maintain their support, as signs of conflict fatigue grow.

“The Ukrainians are stronger than all the intrigues, all the attempts to diminish global solidarity, to undermine the coalition of our allies,” warned Mr. Zelensky.

Despite Western military aid amounting to billions of dollars, Ukraine has failed to make a major breakthrough in its summer 2023 counter-offensive against Russian forces.

Moscow has since stepped up pressure along the front lines, seizing the town of Marinka in early December and seeking to take control of Kupiansk in the northeast of the country.

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