War in Ukraine | Zelensky invites Chancellor Scholz and President Steinmeier to Kyiv

(Berlin) Volodymyr Zelensky invited German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Kyiv, three weeks after snubbing the latter when he wanted to go there, we learned from the presidency on Thursday German.

Posted at 10:32

The Ukrainian president and the social-democratic head of state had a “very good and very important” telephone conversation on Thursday which helped to “dissipate the irritations” following Kyiv’s refusal to receive Mr. Steinmeier in mid-April , said the same source.

“Both have agreed to stay in close contact,” she added.

The Head of State who wanted to go to Kyiv in mid-April with his Polish and Baltic counterparts had to give up at the last moment.

“I was ready to do it, but apparently, and I must take note of it, it was not desired in Kyiv”, indicated the person concerned during a trip to Warsaw.

Berlin had little taste of the rebuff, the media speaking in particular of an “affront”. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, also a social democrat, said he was irritated to say the least.

Subsequently, and while he has been in a hurry for weeks to go to Kyiv to show his solidarity with Ukraine, the Chancellor invoked the incident as an “obstacle” to a possible visit on his part.

Mr. Scholz has been criticized from all sides for his alleged lack of leadership in times of crisis, as well as his reluctance to visit Kyiv and deliver heavy weapons to the country as Russian attacks have redoubled, particularly in the country. eastern Ukraine.

Germany finally decided last week to supply Kyiv with Cheetah-type tanks.


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Mr. Steinmeier, who was twice Angela Merkel’s Foreign Minister, admitted in early April that he had made a “mistake” by supporting a policy of detente with Russia. A past that could have explained, according to many observers, that he is considered persona non grata in Kyiv.

According to the Presidency, however, Mr Zelensky did not voice any criticism of Mr Steinmeier’s policy towards Russia at the time.

During their conversation of about 45 minutes, the German head of state expressed Germany’s “support and respect” for the “courageous fight of the Ukrainian people”.

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