War in Ukraine: women demonstrate to demand the return of their loved ones mobilized on the front



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War in Ukraine: women demonstrate to demand the return of their loved ones mobilized on the front

War in Ukraine: women demonstrate to demand the return of their loved ones mobilized on the front – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M.de Chalvron, Y.Kadouch, @RevelateursFTV

France Televisions

In Ukraine, women’s demonstrations have increased in recent days across the country. They have been demanding the replacement of their loved ones on the front by other soldiers for many months.

In kyiv (Ukraine), on December 3, women demonstrated to demand the return of their husbands who had been mobilized for many months on the front. In recent days, women’s demonstrations have increased almost everywhere in Ukraine. HAS Zaporizhiaon December 2, women called for demobilization with a slogan: “The time has come to rotate the soldiers to the front.” The message is also circulating widely on social networks.

A fatigue in Ukrainian society

This movement reflects fatigue in Ukrainian society, worn out by nearly two years of war, the arrival of a new winter in the trenches and a counter-offensive which today turns out to be a failure. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, aware of this weariness, announced a future reform to regulate the mobilization of soldiers. He increases the number of trips to the front, as close as possible to his troops. The number of deaths is one of the best kept secrets of this war in Ukraine. Fathers, brothers and husbands who will never return home.

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