Posted at 5:00 a.m.
Q. What is the reason for Finland’s application for NATO membership?
R. “Finland wants to join NATO because it increases the country’s security against any type of threat. And in today’s world, it cannot be ruled out that such a threat comes from Russia. Finland wants to join the Alliance entirely for defensive reasons. She has no desire to escalate with Russia and other countries. »
Q. Is this attributable to pressure from the population, who do not feel safe?
R. “Russia’s attack in Ukraine caused fear, in addition to reactivating the collective memory of the Winter War [30 novembre 1939-13 mars 1940] which occurred during the Second World War and where Finland had to defend itself against aggression by the Soviet Union [URSS]. This collective memory has been passed down from generation to generation. So I think the Russian attack in Ukraine has heightened fear in the Finnish population towards Russia. »
Q. What percentage of Finns support NATO membership?
R. “Last week, a poll indicated a rate of 76%. Before the war in Ukraine, this rate was around 20 to 30%. In a very short time [deux mois et demi], things have changed. There has been more explanation of NATO’s role and a lot of media coverage. »
Q. Did Finland and Sweden, which also wants to join NATO, come under American pressure?
R. “It’s a very independent decision from Finland. Eight days after the start of hostilities, our president went, on his own initiative, to meet US President Joe Biden in Washington. Immediately, discussions began on how best to help Finland improve its security. Looking back in time, Finland has been a NATO partner since 1994 [par l’entremise du Programme de partenariat pour la paix]. »
Q. Finland nevertheless purchased 64 F-35 aircraft from the United States…
R. “A supply agreement was finalized in December 2021 following an open competition where there were several options available. And Finland chose the F-35. »
Q. Would it be easier if Sweden and Finland joined NATO at the same time?
R. “I believe that is what will happen. The two countries will make their request, each on their own, following which there will be this whole process of ratification by the 30 member countries. In my opinion, Finland and Sweden will join NATO at the same time. »
Q. Turkey seems reluctant to join Finland…
R. “I have read various arguments on this subject. I remind you that Finland supported Turkey’s candidacy to join the European Union in the early 2000s. I don’t see any potential conflict of interest. »
Q. What will happen to the border between Finland and Russia? Will things change?
R. “Watching our borders is a national responsibility. It is difficult to answer this question about what will happen. I doubt things will change. But our border guards are ready for any eventuality. »
Q. What is the state of the Finnish Armed Forces?
R. “We have general conscription for everyone. Either you do this or you serve in the civil service. Around 75% choose conscription. It is a complete workout, mandatory for men, optional for women. You must be able to train in very harsh conditions, such as very low temperatures. The Regular Force has 280,000 soldiers and the Reserve nearly 900,000 citizens. It’s huge ! We have a very strong will to defend our country. »
This interview has been edited for brevity.