War in Ukraine: who is behind the shooting at the Kostiantynivka market?



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – F. Genauzeau, T. Donzel, K. Sullivan Den Bergh, A. Ponsinet, M. Burgot

France Televisions

On September 6, a missile exploded in the Kostiantynivka market in Ukraine. If the country accuses the Russians, other hypotheses have been studied by our colleagues at the New York Times.

The roar of a missile, followed by a destructive explosion. When a strike hits the small Ukrainian town of Kostiantynivkaon September 6, rescuers immediately accused the Russian army. A few minutes more later, minutes later, the Ukrainian president speaks. “16 people have just been killed after an attack by Russian terrorists”then assured Volodymyr Zelensky. However, this thesis is now undermined by the New York Times.

The hypothesis of a lost or defective shot

In an investigation, the American daily deciphered the images, noted clues and analyzed the missile fragments. On the video, he noted the position of the projectile in the reflection of the hood of the cars, then the gaze of passers-by turned in the same direction. Conclusion of the experts: the missile most likely came from territory controlled by the Ukrainian army. The shooting fell on the city 2:04 p.m.. It could have started from a Ukrainian battery located 16 km away, 2 p.m..

On site, traces of burned vegetation attest to a recent shooting. On the satellite images consulted by the daily, these traces did not exist a few hours earlier. Finally, the collected missile fragments also cause trouble. The New York Times leans towards the hypothesis of a lost or defective shot. An advisor to Volodymyr Zelensky announced an investigation.

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