War in Ukraine | Washington is preparing a new military aid package of 800 million

(Washington) The United States is set to approve a new military aid package for Ukraine amounting to $800 million, less than a week after a previous announcement of a tranche of the same amount, have several American media reported on Tuesday.

Posted at 7:08 p.m.

The details of this new package are still being worked out, according to CNN, which quotes three senior Biden administration officials.

According to NBC News, this new installment is expected to include more artillery and tens of thousands of shells for Kyiv in its war against Russia, as Ukraine faces a series of Russian strikes in the eastern part of the country. country.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Tuesday afternoon that “President Biden and leaders participating in this morning’s call (had) discussed the provision of additional ammunition and security assistance to the Ukrainian”.

On April 13, Joe Biden had already announced to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky another US military aid of $800 million, including heavy equipment such as armored vehicles, artillery, and helicopters.

And on Monday, the Pentagon reported that the first shipments of this tranche of military aid had already arrived at Ukraine’s borders to be handed over to the Ukrainian military.

The United States has given Ukraine the bulk of the international military aid Kyiv has received since the fall.

The total amount of this military assistance, before the expected announcement of this new tranche, reached some 3.2 billion dollars.

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