War in Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelenski went to Kherson


Article written by

T.De Barbeyrac, @RevelateursFTV, L.Michel – France 2

France Televisions

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits Kherson (Ukraine), Monday, November 14. A strong symbol after the Russian withdrawal and the recapture of the region by Ukrainian troops.

The national anthem sung with hands on the heart, the eyes turned towards the Ukrainian flag which flutters above Kherson (Ukraine), Monday 14 November. Three days after the recapture of the city, Volodymyr Zelensky appeared in front of the regional administration headquarters. The president was cheered on by locals who lived eight months under Russian occupation. He is there to formalize the liberation of the city.

“JI came to support the inhabitants, it’s not just support with words from a distance. It wasn’t just promises we made, but today we were able to come back and raise our flag again”, says the president Zelensky to the crowd. Without a bulletproof vest or a helmet, he sends a message to Moscow, Kherson becomes part of Ukraine again. Russia replied this morning that the city is still part of its territory.

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