War in Ukraine | Video journalist killed in Kyiv suburbs

An American video journalist was killed by Russian fire on Sunday in Irpin, the Kyiv region police department confirmed. He is the first foreign journalist to die in Ukraine since the start of the war.

Posted at 10:02

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

Brent Renaud, 51, was a video-journalist and documentary filmmaker who had collaborated with several major American media, including the New York Times. Another journalist was injured in the attack in the northwestern suburbs of the capital, which has been targeted by Russian forces for several days.

“Journalism is a risky profession, but American citizen Brent Renaud paid his life for trying to show the cruelty and ruthlessness of the attacker [russe] Kyiv region police chief Andriy Nebytov posted on Facebook.

the New York Times said he was “deeply saddened” by the death of one of his former collaborators, stressing that he was not in Ukraine under his assignment, as reported on Sunday by the Kyiv Post. The press card he was carrying had been given to him for a report dating back several years.

“Brent’s death is a terrible loss. Courageous journalists like Brent take enormous risks to bear witness and tell the world the devastation and suffering caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Deputy Managing Editor Cliff Levy tweeted.

He is the first foreign journalist to die on Ukrainian soil since the start of the Russian invasion, according to Agence France-Presse. At the beginning of March, five journalists from the British media Sky News were the target of Russian gunfire as they took the road to Kyiv. Journalist Stuart Ramsay and a cameraman, now out of danger, had been shot.

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