War in Ukraine: Ukrainian caregivers train in France




Article written by

S. Ricottier, P. Montels, J. Pires – France 2

France Televisions

In Ukraine, the need for doctors trained in conflicts is strongly felt, which is why Ukrainian practitioners have come to France, as in Metz (Moselle) for training in war medicine so that they can then return home and save lives.

As a patient, a dummy supposed to be a 28-year-old man, unconscious. He received shrapnel. A Ukrainian couple, an intensive care doctor and a nurse, have just arrived in Metz (Moselle) for training in war medicine. In the adjoining room, other Ukrainian doctors observe the scene. The couple, originally from kyiv, have already had to deal with war. Without adequate training, it is impossible for them to take care of certain serious injuries. The goal of the training is therefore to know how to adapt to extreme conditions and manage the stress of an intervention like this.

Of course there is pressure, it’s normal, but we have to put all that aside and take care of the patient“says the doctor Vitalii Lukiianchukanesthetist-resuscitator.When I heard about this training, I said yes right away (…) because I want to be able to help my neighbours, my country. I want to save lives“, affirms Oleksandra Lukiianchuk, inurse and medical student. The one-week stay in France for these nine carers is financed by an NGO. Back in Ukraine, they will train their colleagues.

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