War in Ukraine: Turkey’s double game



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Friday, August 5, the interview between Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, Russia, ended. They pledged to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries, but not a word about a possible ceasefire in Ukraine. However, Turkey has imposed itself as the privileged mediator between Russia and Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. Decryption.

A Ukrainian grain cargo ship finally crossing the Bosphorus Strait is the first compromise found since the start of the war in Ukraine. Between Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin, it took all the efforts of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Truce is the only one to have the confidence of the two men. From the start of the conflict, Recep Tayyip Erdogan spared his two neighbors.

“Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey strongly condemned the invasion and at the same time announced that they did not intend to apply the sanctions against Russia”, explains Jean Marcou, director of international relations at Science Po Grenoble. President Erdogan assiduously practices the policy of the big gap. This new place won in the international game also allows the Turkish president to hide the difficulties they encounter in his own country. With more than 60% inflation, the presidential election next year promises to be complicated for him.

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