War in Ukraine: the testimony of a resident of Kherson, a city occupied by the Russians


France 2

Article written by

A. Forget, A. Védeilhé, O. Kononenko – France 2

France Televisions

In Ukraine, the city of Kherson is in the hands of Russian troops and the local population is demonstrating its opposition. The 20 Hours collected the testimony of a young resident of 21 years.

“Hello, my name is Vitaly. I come from this beautiful city of Kherson. But today it is occupied by the Russians“, testifies a young resident of 21 years. Behind him, the Ukrainian flag still flies, but Vitally lives under Russian control. The city is inaccessible to foreign journalists. So, Vitally send your pictures to 20 Hours to show his busy city.

In the streets, Russian vehicles stamped with the “Z” are constantly patrolling. The Ukrainian army was driven out of the city. On the phone, Vitally describes a climate of terror. “The Russians are looking for people who have worked for the secret services, for the police, for the army, but also pro-Ukrainian activists. In fact, they arrest whoever they want, and we don’t see them again”reports Vitallyadding that a friend of his has been missing for three weeks. In his images, we see long queues in front of banks and completely empty supermarket shelves.

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