War in Ukraine: the Odessa region targeted by Russian strikes


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In Ukraine, missiles targeted the Odessa region on the evening of Monday May 9. Journalist Stéphanie Perez, live from Odessa, takes stock of the situation on Tuesday, May 10.

Journalist Stéphanie Perez is live from Odessa (Ukraine)Tuesday, May 10. On the evening of Monday, May 9, “Around 10:30 p.m., we heard a series of large explosions in the city center. The Ukrainian authorities communicate with parsimony, but it would be a major shopping center at the entrance of the city which would have been targeted, as well as hotel infrastructures”explains the journalist.

“According to the Ukrainian authorities, there would be at least one death and several injuries”continues Stéphanie Perez, before adding that the Ukrainians affirm that it is about “hypersonic missiles”. “It should be remembered that [lundi 9 mai] Odessa was under curfew (…) precisely for fear of a resumption, an intensification of attacks on the region, because it must be remembered that this Russian-speaking city is strategic on the Black Sea, and that is one of Vladimir Putin’s goals”concludes the journalist.

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