War in Ukraine: the horror of the trenches at Avdiivka


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1 minute

War in Ukraine: the horror of the trenches at Avdiivka

War in Ukraine: the horror of the trenches in Avdiivka – (Franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – M. Burgot, J. Cohen-Olivieri

France Televisions

The Russian army is eager to capture the town of Avdiivka in Ukraine. In a video shot last October, we discover the horror of the trenches. Narrative.

Avdiivka (Ukraine), this is the city that the Russians today want to take at all costs. This industrial city was largely destroyed. It is under constant bombardment. Ukrainian soldiers, holed up in a trench, are defending this very city. Images, filmed last October, are the symbol of this bloody battle. “We need drones”, said the commander. The soldiers endure the incessant waves of assault from the Russian forces. A Ukrainian is injured by a shot.

931 Russians killed per day

Oleh Sentsovthe commander, recounts the losses on both sides. “It is very important that people see these images so that they know now, and not later, how terrible and cruel this war is.”, he explains. In the trench, a second man is injured. Emergency first aid is provided on the ground. Terror sets in. Men try to sink as far into the earth as possible. The Ukrainian general staff does not communicate its own losses in this battle of Avdiivka, but it gives Russian losses: 931 deaths per day on average.

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