War in Ukraine: the hell of mine clearance workers on the front


Video duration:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Burgot, G. Marque, D. Bayovsky, L. Lavieille

France Televisions

The advance of kyiv soldiers is slow, because the land is mined by the Russian enemy. The 20 Hours teams were able to follow deminers who carry out work that is both necessary and dangerous.

A 20-year-old soldier performs the most dangerous job in the Ukrainian army: Minesweeper. He operates in pairs with another older fighter. In an armored vehicle, they go towards the southern front, which is very active at the moment.The quantity of mines laid by the Russians is enormous. There are some all kindssays the young soldier. The men advance near the fighting. Their mission is to widen a narrow corridor previously cleared of mines.

The slightest mistake would be fatal

For now, only the narrow path has been cleared. Men can thus pass but not the tanks. Every centimeter of soil is checked and carefully marked. On the side aisle find hundreds of mines anti-tank, that they already have disabled. The slightest mistake would be fatal to them. The young deminer then comes across a double trap. He therefore does not move it, but prepare for a remote explosion.

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