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The war in Ukraine entered its 24th day on Saturday March 19. The Russian army claims to have used for the first time hypersonic missiles considered “invincible” by Vladimir Putin. AT Mykolaiva barracks has literally been wiped off the map.
A military barracks Mykolaivin Ukraine, was bombarded on Friday March 18 in the morning, reduced to a heap of sheets and beams. Rescuers have already pulled around 50 dead bodies from the rubble. Authorities estimate that 200 soldiers were in the barracks at the time of the strikes. The city of Mykolaivin the south-west of the country, is a strategic point, the last lock before the port of Odessa.
Russia has already stepped up its offensive. Saturday, March 19, in the morning, she announced that she had used for the first time, in western Ukraine, hypersonic missiles, a new type of projectile against which anti-aircraft defenses would be powerless. In front of a nursery in kyiv, devastated by a bombardment the day before, the inhabitants fear even more intense strikes. In Lviv, residents responded with a symbolic image: 109 strollers lined up to denounce as many children killed in the country since the beginning of the war.