War in Ukraine: Russia hits Mariupol hard



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Martyred city since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Mariupol has again been the subject of strikes. A hundred civilians were evacuated from the Azovstal factory, but others are still believed to have taken refuge there.

The Azovstal factory, the last pocket of resistance in Mariupol. Tuesday, May 3, the Russian army launched an offensive to try to take control of this strategic city, which has been bombarded relentlessly for two months. Present on the ground, a Russian journalist witnesses the fight: “I must say that the spectacle here is not for the faint-hearted. Shells are hitting their positions, artillery is in action, the air force is trying to push the enemy who has become much more active recently”. Inside the factory, Ukrainian fighters from the Azov battalion have no intention of surrendering.

Ukrainian civilians were also refugees in the factory. Since Sunday, May 1, the UN has managed to evacuate a hundred. They arrived today safe and sound in Zaporizhia, 200 km from Mariupol. All bear witness to the hell they have been through: “Why this war? My neighbors are dead. Children are dead. There are corpses in the streets and no one dares to remove them”. Other civilians are reportedly still trapped in the Azovstal factory in Mariupol. The UN hopes to be able to evacuate them despite the fighting.

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