War in Ukraine | Russia denies killing many civilians in Boutcha

(Moscow) Russia “categorically” denies all accusations related to the discovery of a large number of civilian bodies in Boutcha, near the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

Posted at 6:37

“We categorically reject all charges,” Peskov told reporters, assuring that Russian Defense Ministry experts had found signs of “video falsifications” and “fakes” in the images presented by the Ukrainian authorities. as evidence of a massacre of which they accuse Russia.

“Judging by what we have seen, these video images cannot be trusted,” said Mr. Peskov, assuring that “this information should be seriously questioned”.

He called on foreign leaders not to make “hasty accusations” against Moscow and to “at least listen to Russian arguments”.

“Russia wishes and demands that this be the subject of international discussions,” added Mr. Peskov.

Russia has already announced that it has requested a meeting of the UN Security Council for Monday on the “hateful provocations” committed according to it by Ukraine in Boutcha.

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