War in Ukraine | Quebec announces additional $100,000 in aid

Quebec announced Thursday an aid of $100,000 for the sending of material intended for the Ukrainian population.

Posted yesterday at 5:22 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

“Today, we released $100,000 to pay for cargo planes that will make round trips to bring food to Ukraine,” said Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Nadine Girault, on Thursday.

It was under Ukrainian songs that the Minister was welcomed at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Saint-Michel-Archange, in Montreal. “I am very touched by the reception”, she dropped. In the basement of the establishment, tons of donation boxes are stored. “I am very enthusiastic to see the generosity of Quebecers and all the work and devotion of the volunteers,” added the Minister.

Since the start of the conflict, the Ukrainian community in Quebec has been overwhelmed by donations of food, medicine and clothing. However, financial support is essential to ensure his transport to Ukraine.

The additional assistance of $100,000 will allow the air shipment of equipment intended for the Ukrainian population. When the goods arrive at their destination, local partners will ensure their customs clearance and distribution.

“As a Quebec immigrant, I am very proud of the reaction and agility of our provincial government. I am very grateful that they trust us,” rejoices Marta Zybko, a volunteer who coordinates communications and the transport of donations to the Church of Saint-Michel-Archange. “This help will greatly help us,” she adds.

So far, two planes containing donations from Quebecers have been sent to Ukraine, says Ms.me Zybko. “We are planning the departure of the third,” she says. Air transport is reserved for priority goods. “We send medicines, medical equipment, dry food for soldiers and civilians and blankets,” she explains. The rest of the material is sent by boat.

This envelope offered by the provincial government is in addition to initial assistance of $300,000, granted on 1er last March, divided equally between the emergency funds of the international cooperation organizations Médecins du Monde Canada and the Canadian Red Cross.

A second humanitarian aid of $700,000 was announced on March 16 to support international cooperation organizations in Quebec, which will be announced shortly.

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