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Russia rejects any involvement in the massacre of hundreds of civilians in Boutcha. Monday April 4, the journalist Hugues Huet is in duplex from Moscow and delivers the version which is reported in the media.
Journalist Hugues Huet, duplex from Moscow (Russia)explains that he followed a Russian television program to find out how the inhabitants are informed about the Boutcha massacre (Ukraine). “From the outset, the presenter speaks of provocation. A video showing Ukrainian tanks slaloming between the bodies is then broadcast almost continuously with the word “fake” written in red”reports Hugues Huet.
The presenters then dwell on the chronology of events. “On Wednesday, March 30, the Russian tanks leave Boucha. The next day, the mayor of the city confirms this withdrawal, but does not speak at all of corpses in the streets. It is only on Sunday April 3 that the videos and photos appear”explains the journalist. Experts have thus concluded that it is a staging aimed at harming Russia according to the Russian media, a version which “corresponds in all respects to the version defended by the Kremlin”he concludes.