War in Ukraine | Mariupol children’s hospital destroyed by shelling

(Kyiv) Un hôpital pédiatrique de Marioupol, port assiégé du sud-est de l’Ukraine, a été détruit mercredi par des bombardements russes, a annoncé un responsable régional, Pavlo Kirilenko, sans préciser s’il y avait des morts.

Publié à 12h01
Mis à jour à 12h03

Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a rapidement réagi sur Twitter, indiquant que « des gens, des enfants se trouvent sous les décombres ».

« Atrocité ! […] Stop these killings,” he wrote.

A few minutes earlier, the mayor of Mariupol had written on his Facebook page: “Everything was destroyed during an airstrike by Russian aircraft over Mariupol. Just now “.

On a video released by the Ukrainian presidency, we can see from inside buildings blown up, debris, sheets of paper and shards of glass strewn on the ground.

In another video posted by the national police Facebook page and shot outside the hospital, several cars are charred and a large crater has been dug following this air raid.

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