War in Ukraine | Johnson and Zelensky walked the streets of Kyiv

(Kyiv) Le premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson, en visite surprise en Ukraine samedi, et le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky se sont promenés ensemble dans les rues de Kyiv, dont plusieurs quartiers ont été bombardés par la Russie, a indiqué le service de presse de la présidence.

Publié à 16h44

Dans une vidéo diffusée par la présidence, on peut voir les hommes, apparemment sans équipement de protection, déambuler dans le quartier où se trouve l’administration présidentielle.

Entourés de militaires ukrainiens lourdement armés, ils se sont aussi rendus sur la rue Khrechtchatyk, l’artère principale de Kyiv, saluant les quelques badauds présents.

Un passant, visiblement ému de voir le premier ministre britannique, lui a dit : « J’aime tellement le Royaume-Uni. Il nous a sauvés […] My children and grandchildren will remember it! We need you very much. Everyone knows that,” he said presumably in reference to British military assistance delivered to Kyiv.

“We want to continue to support the Ukrainian people for as long as it takes,” replied the prime minister, in a dark suit and blue tie, while his Ukrainian host was dressed in his military-style khaki outfit, like every day. since the beginning of the Russian invasion on February 24.

Mr. Johnson and Mr. Zelensky then went to Independence Square, called Maidan and which was the scene of the massive pro-European demonstrations that began in late 2013 and culminated in February 2014 in the fall of a pro-Russian president, source of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Not far from there, they finally gathered in front of a memorial to the “Heavenly Centuria”, these demonstrators shot dead during an attempt by the authorities to suppress this uprising in blood.

“Kyiv is still sparsely populated and with disturbances in the sky. But it is still as beautiful and there are no more fights around the city, ”welcomed the head of the presidential administration Andriï Iermak on Telegram, accompanying the walk with several shots.

Boris Johnson’s visit to Kyiv on Saturday had not been publicly announced by either side. This is the first time since the start of the Russian invasion that a G7 official has visited Ukraine.

The day before, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell met Mr. Zelensky in Kyiv.

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